A clever dude thought of making fun of it and decided to make one more. He named it after a common household animal. Dog became Doge, and he pushed it out on the world. #DogeFather
So it begins, someone saw that day a new kind of money immerge and making mockery of how people value anything. started of small and then went on to make millions and even billions for people owning it.
A clever dude thought of making fun of it and decided to make one more. He named it after a common household animal. Dog became Doge, and he pushed it out on the world.
Few years, nothing but memes, a lots of it. No one cared until the big giants of the world decided to make more billions by spending few millions. Big name involves Elon Musk (this trends to In Musk we trust), A Shark tank guy.. Don't know his name on top of my head so going to call him a that.
Now this was not working or maybe it was. More people jumped on the ship, and soon it was sailing across the infinity (or may be to the moon as they call it) and beyond.

It was obvious people looked at it and thought may this poor fellow can also make some money so he bought the bait and invested some and then a lot and then some more.
If you think the story has a dreadful ending, wait. Alas it was a good of money in he was told to HODL. yes you read it right it that's what its called HODL. not hold. There is more to the story as the biggest star of Doge, or Dogefather as he calls himself was to appear on a biggest meme show of the Saturdays. People are HOLDING in hope to make it big.
Is it going to happen? What you think? Are the people fool or being made fool ? What are the intentions of the so called multi-planetary civilization initiator ?
Disclaimer: This is not a financial advise, author is nowhere claiming it to be. this is just a author's point of view on what he thinks for the given scenario.