BIG NEWS | Our family just started using a new brand of toothpaste.

BIG NEWS | Our family just started using a new brand of toothpaste.

Our family just started using a new brand of toothpaste.
We chose it because of what it says on the box. Eco credentials etc.

However the best benefit is that it squeezes out toothpaste at about half the rate our old one did because the opening is narrower. This is a huge win because I have children.

Children require approximately third of a tube of toothpaste per brushing.*
Some to be left on the brush, some in the sink and perhaps a bit that hits the teeth (and gums).

What benefits have you realised that the product creator perhaps didn’t or have you built something only to later discover an upside that wasn’t designed??

*All facts are true

😁  part of a series of 'glass half full' blogs by Andy, 6prog founder.

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